The K9 Advantage Club Enrichment Camp:

Our Enrichment Camp is DIFFERENT from a doggy daycare!  Our focus is to offer more mental stimulation for your dog as well as polite manners with other dogs and people. Through daily activities catered to each pups’ level we can help you have a calm, focused dog. Dogs who are overly exuberant can really benefit from learning different skills to use their energy in a positive way. Taking walks is great exercise for you and your dog but doesn’t always bring that energy level down. At the K9 Advantage your dog will be introduced to new activities that can be easily replicated at home. Our goal is to give you a clearer picture about what your dog enjoys and benefits from. Everyday also has a scheduled “training time”. Wether you’re in need of the basics or maintenance, your pup will receive 1:1 instruction and training every visit by a certified and insured trainer !We offer 3 fenced in outdoor areas as well as 2 indoor areas.


Daily schedule includes:

-Daily hike( weather permitting)

-Mental stimulation( puzzle and nose work)malinois-dog-animal-animal-portrait-55806.jpeg

-Desensitizing( basic grooming and handling)

-Enrichment activities

-Supervised play groups (based on size ,age ,breed)

-Basic obedience/ maintenance
( can be catered to specific need within reason)

-Crate training

-Meals if needed(provided by owner)

Application and interview by request